Sunday, January 26, 2014

Reminders/ Saturday February 1 Schedule

1.  Tickets are on sale beginning Saturday, February 1for cast, crew and orchestra prior to general public.  Dustin will be at school from 9-1 for ticket purchase.  We will post another reminder later in the week.

2. Initial costume check was Saturday. Visit thrift stores or grandma's attic.  Bring items in this week for approval .  A HUGE THANK YOU to all the volunteers who have been helping with sewing and sets.  Having such dedication to the look of the production is a big part of what makes our show look so good.

3. CALENDAR CHANGE- a reminder that we will NOT have rehearsal FEBRUARY 8, but WILL have rehearsal on FEBRUARY 15.  There was a miscommunication regarding district choir. We apologize for the confusion. Please continue to check the blog regularly.

4. PARENTS of young cast members- if you are willing to be one of a two parent team to supervise the young performers during a show or shows, please let the directors know by email or on Saturday. 

5. If you did not get your program picture taken on Saturday, January 18, you should see Lindsay for that when she is in rehearsal this week.  That is your responsibility.  We cannot take our time to track you down.


9-12           Review 76 Trombones, Wells Fargo & Iowa Stubborn (full cast/young performers)

12-12:45     LUNCH

12:45-1:30  Clean Pick a little/Shipoopi

1:30-5          Library Ballet