Monday, January 20, 2014

Saturday, January 25 Rehearsal Schedule/Reminders for Week of Jan 20

9-9:30          Learn music/review music   Wells Fargo/76 Trombones/Iowa Stubborn/ (Full Cast/including young performers)

9:30-11:00  Iowa Stubborn Choreography   (Full Cast/including young performers)

11-12:30     Clean Wells Fargo/76 Trombones/Iowa Stubborn (Full Cast/including young performers)

12:30           LUNCH

1-3:30         Trouble

3:30-5         Clean Shipoopi, Lida Rose, Good Night Ladies, (all quartet) & Pick-a-Little music/choreography           

**Full High School Cast should be in rehearsal beginning Wednesday, January 22.  Check blog  this week in the event of inclement weather to determine cancellations and/or rescheduling of rehearsal.

**Check blog at least once a day for announcements regarding ticket sales, costumes, make-up etc.

**Make-up money has to be turned in by Saturday, January 25 because it will be ordered on Monday, January 27.