1. Thanks for a great Saturday rehearsal. Continue to work on choreography and music review at home. We will not rehearse on February 8, but WE WILL rehearse on Saturday, February 15.
2. Purchase tickets by calling Dustin @ 540-810-6236 or stop by to see him at his shop, SNOW AND ICE, 4080 Evelyn Byrd Ave. Tickets go on sale to the general public on Wednesday, and many seats in the center section have been sold already for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We want family and friends to have the best seats, but you have to reserve them to be sure that you get the seats you desire.
3. Final t-shirt orders will be accepted until Tuesday.
4. All rehearsals from now on are full cast (high school students). Please be in rehearsal on time. In the event of inclement weather, check the blog and make arrangements to attend rehearsals if safety allows and you have transportation.
5. The show is beginning to shape up. Please remember to say thank you to parents, directors, and any other person who is helping you have a great show. All those volunteers pulling together costumes, working on sets, helping with props, selling tickets and assisting you personally are vital to our success. Thank yous are the least we can do.
Young Performer Parents
We have supervision for all shows covered except the following:
Feb 27 (Thurs morn) We need one more adult
Feb 27 (Thurs eve) We need one more adult
Mar 2 (Sun) We need one more adult
Mar 4 (Tues eve) We need one more adult
Thanks to Ms. Shore, Ms Saunders, Ms Kauffman, Ms Moorman, Ms. Keim, Ms. Mast, Ms Weaver, Ms Slater, Ms Hotchkiss, Ms Surratt, and Ms. Breneman for taking a shift or more.
Added Rehearsals With Suzanne
Tuesday, Feb 4 Harold/Marcellus (3-5)
Thursday, Feb 6 Harold/Marian (3-5)
Tuesday, Feb 11 Library Ballet (3-5:30)