Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Help Needed/Appreciated

1.  All Parents-We need someone to decorate lobby for the run of the show.  We typically have it  coordinate with the themes/time period of the musical.  Dustin does not have time to coordinate this as well.  It can be decorated during the evenings of dress rehearsal week.  Please see Mrs. Tate or Mr. Dunlap if you are willing to serve or help with this.
2.  ALL Parents-Please be aware of the importance of all rehearsals at this point in the production.  Certainly we do not want students to attend who are ill; however, when a cast member is not in a choreography cleaning or blocking session, it throws off all other performers' timing and placements.  Students are expected to stay in rehearsals until they are over.  We do not typically keep students late (more than a few minutes), and performers who miss without written notification can jeopardize their roles.  It is disrespectful  to the directors and fellow performers(except in an emergency) not to at least email or see directors personally. This is even more critical when inclement weather may disrupt scheduled rehearsals.  Thanks for supporting this expectation.  We make every effort to communicate clearly and in advance.
3.  TECH REHEARSAL SATURDAY (Feb 22) and DRESS REHEARSAL WEEK-All cast members and crew are required to be in attendance.  No other commitments are an excuse that week (unless an emergency).
4.  Young cast members' parents-Thanks to those who have signed up for green room supervision.  We still need one parent for Sunday afternoon.  Young cast members will be in tech rehearsal Saturday, Feb 22 from 1-5, rather than in the morning.  We will run the show on stage that afternoon.  More details later. On Saturday,  I will post the list of who signed up for supervision.
5.  Costumes-As you bring in your costume pieces, it is helpful to put them in a garment bag or trash bag over hangers, with your name clearly on them.  If you have small pieces (gloves, hats, shoes, etc), you can put them in a covered plastic tub, also labeled with your name.  This allows dressing room cleaning each day, and keeps things from getting lost or misplaced. 
We are so lucky to have someone have a costume vision, rather than simply allowing odds and ends to go on stage.  Every year, some of our greatest compliments come regarding the beauty of our costumes and sets.  Having had children who were in musicals elsewhere, there is no comparison to the detail and accuracy that our costuming and sets have.   You are given direction/suggestions at the beginning of the production.   Appreciate this, because it is such a gift of time and talent.  Our cast looks great because somewhere really cared about what they look like.

Things are going so well.  Continue to work hard, be kind, say thank you.  The Wells Fargo Wagon is packed and headed to River City.